After my initial contact with Hananas, I was given this quick sample for a black box design within just a few hours. I was floored by this one, partially because I didn't even give him much for direction, and I didn't give him any wording to use. He just took my youtube videos and ran with what he saw.

I didn't even request this one, but he took my title screen graphics, and blew my mind:

Regarding the game, here are some of the latest developments:
- Password codes have been entered and tested.
- New Screen! I have the post-battle screen partially implemented, which will show casualty totals from the battle.
- New music! The post-battle screen has music.
- More new music! I realized the Victory Screen did not have any sound, so I added a triumphant little melody.
- I have made an addition on the Battle Screen, where an icon bounces above the current troop that the player has selected. Just an extra little touch, which I like a lot.
- A big change has been made to the resource collection in the game, thanks to feedback from arch_8ngel of NintendoAge, who has been helping me with play testing. I will fully admit that I was not looking forward to this code change, but it went smoother than expected. Before the change: resources were collected about every 5 seconds (more gatherers meant a bigger chunk of resources). After the change: as more gatherers are sent to collect resources, the frequency of collection will get faster.